Aries (Ram): Mar 21 – Apr 20

Mid-March to April is the time of the year for the sheep (Ram) to produce their young. This increases produce of milk and wool - two important items of trade and cheese making for the ancient farmers.
Features Speed: Ram
Colour: Red
Effect: Hot and Dry
Nature: Fiery
Ruled by Lord Planet: Mars

Mid-March to April is the time of the year for the sheep (Ram) to produce their young. This increases produce of milk and wool - two important items of trade and cheese making for the ancient farmers.
Features Speed: Ram
Colour: Red
Effect: Hot and Dry
Nature: Fiery
Ruled by Lord Planet: Mars
Taurus (Bull): Apr 21 – May 20

For the agriculture dominated civilizations this was the time of the year to employ bulls for tilling the land. Trading of Bulls is also undertaken, for the best and healthy Bulls ensure better seeding for the harvest.
Features Speed: Bull
Colour: White
Effect: Cool
Nature: Earthly
Ruled by Lord Planet: Venus

For the agriculture dominated civilizations this was the time of the year to employ bulls for tilling the land. Trading of Bulls is also undertaken, for the best and healthy Bulls ensure better seeding for the harvest.
Features Speed: Bull
Colour: White
Effect: Cool
Nature: Earthly
Ruled by Lord Planet: Venus
Gemini (Twins): May 21 – Jun 21

Domestic goats usually produced two young ones (twins) around this time of the year following their seasonal reproduction patterns of the ancient time.
Features Speed: Couple (Man & Woman)
Colour: Green
Effect: Hot & Wet
Nature: Windy
Ruled by Lord Planet: Mercury

Domestic goats usually produced two young ones (twins) around this time of the year following their seasonal reproduction patterns of the ancient time.
Features Speed: Couple (Man & Woman)
Colour: Green
Effect: Hot & Wet
Nature: Windy
Ruled by Lord Planet: Mercury
Cancer (Crab): Jun 22 – Jul 22

Like a crab crawling backwards the Sun begins to turn back towards the equator from the tropic of Cancer.
Features Speed: Crab
Colour: Milky White
Effect: Cool
Nature: Watery
Ruled by Lord Planet: Moon

Like a crab crawling backwards the Sun begins to turn back towards the equator from the tropic of Cancer.
Features Speed: Crab
Colour: Milky White
Effect: Cool
Nature: Watery
Ruled by Lord Planet: Moon
Leo (Lion): Jul 23 – Aug 23

At its full force like showing mane of young and furious lion, Sun comes at its zenith and becomes as powerful and dominating.
Features Speed: Lion
Colour: Copper Red
Effect: Hot & Dry
Nature: Fiery
Ruled by Lord Planet: Sun

At its full force like showing mane of young and furious lion, Sun comes at its zenith and becomes as powerful and dominating.
Features Speed: Lion
Colour: Copper Red
Effect: Hot & Dry
Nature: Fiery
Ruled by Lord Planet: Sun
Virgo (Virgin): Aug 24 – Sep 23

This is the time of the year when girls in the household (virgins) used to glean the ears of the corn harvest - typically the result of the tilling by the bulls in April.
Features Speed: Girl
Colour: Green & Coloured
Effect: Cold & Dry
Nature: Earthly
Ruled by Lord Planet: Mercury

This is the time of the year when girls in the household (virgins) used to glean the ears of the corn harvest - typically the result of the tilling by the bulls in April.
Features Speed: Girl
Colour: Green & Coloured
Effect: Cold & Dry
Nature: Earthly
Ruled by Lord Planet: Mercury
Libra (Scales): Sep 24 – Oct 23

Like the scales having equal weights, day and night becomes of equal strength (duration) during this period. The cosmic energies are held in balance.
Features Speed: Scales
Colour: White
Effect: Hot & Wet
Nature: Windy
Ruled by Lord Planet: Venus

Like the scales having equal weights, day and night becomes of equal strength (duration) during this period. The cosmic energies are held in balance.
Features Speed: Scales
Colour: White
Effect: Hot & Wet
Nature: Windy
Ruled by Lord Planet: Venus
Scorpio (Scorpion): Oct 24 – Nov 22

The Sun starts to retreat towards the pole, lowering its intensity, giving rise to diseases with apparently (scorpion's) "poisonous" effects.
Features Speed: Scorpion
Colour: Red
Effect: Cold & Wet
Nature: Fiery
Ruled by Lord Planet: Mars

The Sun starts to retreat towards the pole, lowering its intensity, giving rise to diseases with apparently (scorpion's) "poisonous" effects.
Features Speed: Scorpion
Colour: Red
Effect: Cold & Wet
Nature: Fiery
Ruled by Lord Planet: Mars
Sagittarius (Archer): Nov 23 – Dec 22

(in the planes of northern hemisphere) Beginning of the hunting season!
Features Speed: Cow & Archers
Colour: Yellow
Effect: Hot & Wet
Nature: Fiery
Ruled by Lord Planet: Jupiter

(in the planes of northern hemisphere) Beginning of the hunting season!
Features Speed: Cow & Archers
Colour: Yellow
Effect: Hot & Wet
Nature: Fiery
Ruled by Lord Planet: Jupiter
Capricorn (Goat – or sometimes crocodile): Dec 23 – Jan 20

The Sun (moving towards North) begins to rise higher under the sign of wild goat (ibex, or Capricorneus).
Features Speed: Crocodile
Colour: Black
Effect: Cold & Dry
Nature: Earthly
Ruled by Lord Planet: Saturn

The Sun (moving towards North) begins to rise higher under the sign of wild goat (ibex, or Capricorneus).
Features Speed: Crocodile
Colour: Black
Effect: Cold & Dry
Nature: Earthly
Ruled by Lord Planet: Saturn
Aquarius (Water carrier): Jan 21 – Feb 19

First hint of the rain (rainy season) appears on the horizon at this time of the year.
Features Speed: Pitcher full of water
Colour: Black
Effect: Hot & Wet
Nature: Windy
Ruled by Lord Planet: Saturn

First hint of the rain (rainy season) appears on the horizon at this time of the year.
Features Speed: Pitcher full of water
Colour: Black
Effect: Hot & Wet
Nature: Windy
Ruled by Lord Planet: Saturn
Pisces (Fish): Feb 20 – Mar 20

The Fish begin their journey downstream towards seas – making it fishing time!
Features Speed: Fish
Colour: Blue & Yellow
Effect: Cold & Wet
Nature: Watery
Ruled by Lord Planet: Jupiter

The Fish begin their journey downstream towards seas – making it fishing time!
Features Speed: Fish
Colour: Blue & Yellow
Effect: Cold & Wet
Nature: Watery
Ruled by Lord Planet: Jupiter